Vype Pre-Filled Pods
Prefilled Vype / Vuse Pods in a range of different flavours and strengths for the Epod Vape Kit and the Epen 3 Vape Kit. Enjoy carefully created flavours such as Wild Berries, Crisp Mint and Strawberry Smash for the ePen 3 and enjoy classics such as Tequila Sunrise and Tropical Mango for the Vype / Vuse Epod Available at London Vape House in Holborn and Richmond
Coming Soon
Very Berry ePod vPro Prefilled Vape Pods by Vype / VUSE
Very Berry ePod vPro Prefilled Vape Pods by Vype features an infusion of red, purple and black forest berries which is mixed with a sweet syrup and slightly sour finish. The wild berry mix allows...