The Do's and Don'ts of Battery Safety - Vape Battery Safety
We often forget that batteries could potentially be dangerous and need to be looked after. Sometimes batteries can have unfortunate outcomes when not properly looked after.
However there's steps we can take to avoid having a mishap with our batteries this summer to keep them in the top-working condition and remaining safe.
All batteries can explode, and it can happen with standard vape batteries too.
But if you follow the correct safety procedures for using an e-cigarette battery, then explosions and mishaps are extremely rare. There could be 1 in 10 Million chance of something going wrong.
Most vape mods (vape devices) usually have a regulated, safety feature to help provide additional safety. These devices also tend to be designed with Battery Venting holes to help incase a battery does fail.
To avoid any battery incidents and to keep vaping safely, simply follow the simple rules in this blog and let your fellow vapers know that there's more we can be doing to keep safe.
• Charge your Vape batteries with an official vape battery charger which is recommended by your battery supplier.
• Make sure that the plastic wrap on the outer of your battery is un-damaged.
• Clean the contact points on both of your battery, your mod and also your vape battery charger.
• Turn your chargers and device off while it isn't in use.
• Use battery cases while your battery isn't in use.
• Buy all Vape related products and batteries from a reputable Vape Shop ( such as London Vape House ) .
• Be sure that all of your batteries and accessories are supported with each other.
• Do keep your battery in a clean condition.
• Ask questions, There's no harm in double checking with your local experts at London Vape House Richmond or London Vape House Holborn if you'd like a second opinion or simply would like to know more.
• Don't leave your battery cells in the sun, this could cause them to heat up and could potentially cause an explosion. It's also not recommended to leave your Vape Batteries in extremely cold temperatures either.
• Don't use damaged or dropped batteries.
• Don't leave your Vape batteries charging unattended or past a full charge.
• Don't allow direct contact between your vape batteries and water.
• Don't over dis-charge your battery.
For Vape Mods with internal batteries such as the Geek Vape S100 Kit or the Drag X Vape Kit, there's a huge host of built-in battery safety features such as short-circuit protection and low-voltage protection.
These safety features can also be found with Vape Mods that feature external batteries such as the Drag 3 by Voopoo since these are regulated mods, as oposed to specialist mech mods where a greater level of battery safety knowledge is required.
However it's always better to know about battery safety.
What does a damaged battery wrap look like?
A damaged battery wrap is when the plastic casing surrounding your battery cell has either been chipped away near the contact points or has any wear or tear to the outer sleeve. This could result in a potentially dangerous scenario.
The Positive (+) side which is usually raised is the only positive part on the battery, the opposite flat end, the negative (-) side as well as any part covered by that wrap is all negative.
Even if there is a small tear and you find the battery in a situation where metal makes contact with the metal beneath the rip as well as the positive pole, you're going to short your battery.
It's not likely that something will happen, especially depending on size/location of the tear, but it is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to batteries.
An undamaged battery should have a clean, insulator ring surrounding the positive raised part of the battery located under the plastic wrap.
Dirty battery wraps are more prone to tearing so avoid letting your battery get dirty to keep it in the best quality possible.
How do I know my battery is legitimate?
When purchasing a battery from any reputable vape shop such as London Vape House, which is our vape shop in Holborn or Richmond, you know that the battery will be completely new and from a licensed organisation.
For example our Molicel 18650 batteries and Molicel 21700 batteries are from a reputable source and are sold with a suitable case for transit.
All real batteries should have a thermally printed notice on the side of the battery stating the battery brand and size and the Amps.
Avoid contact with water
If your battery makes contact with water, stop using the battery immediately. Dispose of the battery responsibly with either the supplier or take it to a recycling station.
If you do have a damaged battery and you're not sure where to take it.
Follow this link and enter your postcode to find the closest local hazardous waste disposable location. Gov.uk/hazardous-waste-disposal
However if you are around water regularly and there's a strong chance your vape mod could come into contact with water, then we could recommend for you to check out these robust, water-resistant vape mods such as the Aegis Mini Kit or the Aegis X Mod by Geekvape.
If you have any questions or need a second opinion about your batteries, feel free to contact us on our live chat via our website, email us at web.shop@londonvapehouse.com or simply pop into our Holborn or Richmond store and speak with a member of our team.
Most importantly, don't take the risk with a bad battery.
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