Vape Pods

Vape Pods come in a range of different styles and functions to meet different vaping needs. Commonly Vape Pods are plastic and hold E-Liquid and a Coil, some pods have replacement coils and are re-fillable whereas some are closed pods and have E-Liquid already inside such as Juul or VUSE pods. 

Browse our range of Pods here

Showing 1 to 3 of 3 items

Fresh Apple ePen 3 Prefilled Vape Pods by Vype / Vuse


Fresh Apple ePen 3 Prefilled Vape Pods by Vype features an expertly blended taste of juicy and fresh green apples with a hint of mint to keep the freshly sliced apple taste. Vype vPro...

Chilled Mint ePod vPro Prefilled Vape Pods by Vype/Vuse


Chilled Mint ePod vPro Prefilled Vape Pods by Vype/Vuse features an infusion of ice and mint. The frosty flavour on the inhale spreads through the body and is a smooth and sophisticated...

Crisp Mint ePen 3 Prefilled Vape Pods by Vype / VUSE


Crisp Mint ePen 3 Prefilled Vape Pods by Vype features a balanced blend of fresh mint and cooling menthol for the mint vape lover. Vype vPro cartridges for the Vype ePen 3 with nicotine...